Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Feeding the addiction

Three ways I did so...

1. Our toilet is not being nice, it's slowing running and wasting water. Once we figured out what was the issue, I talked the hubby to venturing out to Home Depot. Once there, I quickly grabbed the basket and made a bee-line to the garden center for more dirt. Three big bags to be exact. I don't what happened but two more herbs (oregano and rosemary) and a jalapeno pepper plant found it's way into my basket too. When the hubby found me, all crazed and a little high off the smell of dirt, he just rolled his eyes and took the basket away and paid.

2. I found the most amazing books on gardening. As much as I'd like to tote my laptop out to the garden, I don't think the hubby would allow it because of my klutzy nature. So in my search for knowledge, I acquired these bad boys on overstock!

3. My garden/cycling/all-around friend Bob is going to come over and is bringing me a HUGE gift.. a truck load of mulch. I know I know you are all jealous of my well connected friends who can get me tons of mulch and railroad ties for free. We'll finally cover the hill with it to keep the weeds at bay and it'll look a lot prettier than how it looks now too! I'm also going to use him as cheap labor and help move some dirt so we can start building the last tier. If he works fast, I might buy him dinner! :)

How do you feed your addictions?

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